Satisfaction guarantee

We provide 30 days of "Satisfaction or a money-back" guarantee: You are either satisfied with the program, or receive a full refund, no questions asked.

Program's curriculum

    1. 3. Setup - What it is and Why it Matters

    2. 3.1. Shares and Ownership

    3. 3.2. Salaries and Bonuses

    4. 3.3. Decision Making and Power Distribution

    5. 3.4. Time and Control

    6. 3.5. Exit Terms

    7. 3.6. Nature of Setup Issues

    8. 3.7. Evaluating and Solving Setup Issues

    1. 4. Relating - What it is and Why it Matters

    2. 4.1. Trust and Tools to Build it

    3. 4.2. Respect

    4. 4.3. Impact, Power

    5. 4.4. Truth

    6. 4.5. Space

    7. 4.6. Support

    8. 4.7. Bonding

    1. 5. Case Analysis. Not (Good) Enough

    2. 5.1. Belittling

    3. 3. Too Much Detail

    4. 5.3. Chaotic Meetings

    5. 5.4. Hijacking Topics

    6. 5.5. Not Keeping Word

    7. 5.6. Cofounder Not Performing

    8. 5.7. Commitment Issues

    9. 5.8. Changing Opinions Often

    10. 5.9. Going Against Values

    11. 5.10. Something Feels Off

    12. 5.11. Conclusion

About this program

  • €60,00
  • 36 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

Hear our clients

“For me personally, the most valuable workshop was the one on founder relations conducted by Farhad. I thought that I already know a lot about communication, relations and psychology behind, but it exceeded my expectations. ”

Marija Solosenko, CEO of Dabas Burka

“Farhad's wealth of experience in both business and life, coupled with his adept ability to listen attentively and pose incisive questions, significantly facilitated my journey of self-discovery and growth. I wholeheartedly recommend connecting with Farhad for mentorship, regardless of your level of leadership experience.”

Nauris Skride, CEO of Adaptive Media

“Working with Farhad has been transformative. His guidance has not only helped me navigate anxiety but also empowered me to delegate effectively, communicate with clarity, and connect with my inner self.”

Andris Merkulovs, CEO of Monetizr

“Farhad is an experienced business leader and a great human being. He combines business expertise gained in running, scaling and exiting multiple businesses with tremendous passion for mental well-being and self-development. Effect? Meaningful and empowering relationships that lead to sustainable business growth in every company where he is a leader or a mentor.”

Michal Dziergwa, CSO of MikroB

“Farhad is very good at getting to the root of the problem with his direct questions and comments. This has given me some tools and made me more conscious of choosing the right battles and tasks to focus on and being better at delegating to other colleagues.”

Michael Henriksen, CEO of Wavepiston

“I was looking for a clearer vision for my company and a better alignment around it. We uncovered so much about our current challenges and possible steps towards better alignment. I recommend this process for leadership teams looking to uncover and solve misalignments around vision and strategy.”

Toomas Pihl, CEO of Agrello

“Farhad's experience and insight were very helpful for us in our growth trajectory. He is incredibly generous as a mentor, and I would highly recommend him to anyone looking to up their game and willing to hear some potentially hard truths.”

Julia Gifford, CEO of TrueSix

“Farhad has the ability to look at your challenges from a completely different angle than what you would expect and provide insights into underlying issues instead of a temporary fix. By pulling from literature, personal anecdotes, and deep experience, he can pinpoint your weaknesses and teach you how to turn them into strengths.”

Marek Alliksoo, CEO of Skycorp

About the Program

The program, developed by Cocoon Program CEO Farhad Niyoz, leverages over 20 years of business experience and insights gained from thousands of hours mentoring founders and leaders on business and personal growth.

Farhad Niyoz

🌟 Succeed aligned with your authentic Self. Business growth & self-discovery guide for entrepreneurs and leaders. CEO of Cocoon Program. ⭐ Tech entrepreneur, and self-discovery and business growth mentor for founders and leaders. 10+ years experience in psychology and self-discovery. 20+ years experience in entrepreneurship and leadership of B2B (corporates and government client sector) and B2C (>1m users) companies. MBA.